It's Just A Metaphor (#8 of 12)

At the end of the day marriage is only a metaphor.  It’s not the end game.  The end game is your relationship with Christ.  He gave us marriage as a living illustration of His love for us. As such, it is a sacred institution to be honored, nurtured and protected.  However, there is no marriage or family in heaven - family is irrelevant there.  There is no need for a metaphor when you are in the arms of the actual.  Everything that your heart longs for in your marriage - to be known, enjoyed and accepted, the passion to be deeply connected to and cared for by another - will be fulfilled when you see Christ face-to-face.  There is no celestial sex or family in the new heaven and earth.  It’s the community of believers and God in the redeemed world/life He has for us.  So, even though the institution of marriage is of profound value and should be protected and nurtured in this life, it is only a means to an end and not an end in itself.  Divorce is not the unforgivable sin.  You are called to love your spouse more than you love your marriage.

Understand Your Childhood Relational Experience (#9 of 12)

Love Your Spouse More Than Your Marriage (#7 of 12)